Animals by Location

Animals in Africa?

Powderpost Beetle

Powderpost beetles prefer living in moist tree limbs, dead wood, and branches. They get into homes through infested joists, paneling, rafters, flooring, and finished wood products.

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Country in Africa

Animals in Central-America?

Box Turtle

This reptile has an S-shaped neck allowing it to pull its entire head into its shell.

Mountain Bluebird

Depending on the time of the year, the mountain bird can live as far north as Alaska.

Animals in Eurasia?


A marmot spends 80% of its life below ground


Elasmotherium might have had a monstrous horn, giving it the name "The Siberian Unicorn."

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Country in Eurasia

Animals in North-America?

Tomato Hornworm

The tomato hornworm is a ferocious pest that can eat all parts of a plant, including the fruits.

See all Animals in North-America

Country in North-America

Animals in Ocean?


There are more than 6000 species of coral in the world's oceans.

Ghost Crab

Their eyestalks, which are sometimes horned, can swivel 360 degrees

Animals in Oceania?

Sea Eagle

The sea eagle tends to mate for life with a single partner


There are around 7,000 different species!

Animals in South-America?


The American robin is called the robin because its red breast reminded European settlers of the robin back in the old country.