Can move up to 2ft of soil in just 15 seconds!
The aardwolf has five toes on its front paws
The oldest breed of cat in the world!
Abyssinian Guinea Pig
They are one of the oldest breeds of guinea pig
Acadian Flycatcher
Their nests are sloppily held together and have an abandoned appearance
Ackie Monitor
The ackie monitor has a spiny tail which it uses as in self-defense.
The hooves of the addax are splayed and have flat, springy soles, one of the adaptations that help it walk over sand.
Adelie Penguin
Eats up to 2kg of food per day!
The German name Affenpinscher translates to monkey dog. This pup’s face is similar to a monkey’s!
Afghan Hound
These dogs were originally bred for hunting purposes. They are one of the oldest dog breeds in the world, though they are now found in several rescue shelters around the world. They are known to be as fast as racehorses. The fur that covers these hounds keeps them very warm, though they can be shaved as well. Afghan Hounds have scent glands that usually produce a musky but not malodorous scent.
African Bullfrog
The African bullfrog is one of only three species of frog that have “teeth.”
African Bush Elephant
Can drink up to 50 gallons a day!
African Civet
Secretes up to 4g of musk every week!
African Clawed Frog
A particularly ferocious amphibian!
African Fish Eagle
African fish eagles belong to the genus of sea eagles
African Forest Elephant
The largest known mammal on land!
African Golden Cat
The first image of an African golden cat was captured in the wild in Gabon in 2002.
African Grey Parrot
When a grey parrot named Yosuke got lost, it was reunited with its owner after giving the owner's name and address.
African Jacana
The males raise the young
African Palm Civet
Solitary but gathers in groups!
African Penguin
The only penguin species in Africa!