Least Concern
Leopard Frog
They can jump up to three feet
The kinkajou is a nimble forest-dwelling mammal of Central and South America.
African Bullfrog
The African bullfrog is one of only three species of frog that have “teeth.”
Longnose Gar
The longnose gar species of the gar family has potentially existed for 100 million years.
Gray Tree Frog
Survives freezing temperatures by producing glycerol and maintaining slower metabolic processes
Green Tree Frog
Green tree frogs breathe through their skin
Desert Locust
Solitary locusts are grey while gregarious locusts are yellow with stripes.
Wood Frog
The wood frog lives the furthest north of any other North American amphibian including in the Arctic Circle.
Muskox have several physical characteristics that allow them to survive in the Arctic climate.
Each locust can eat its weight in plants each day.
Snorkies are known for their funny, attention-getting antics.
These dogs are very intelligent and are great with children.
An excellent companion for cats!
Fruit Bat
Among the largest bats in the world
Fire salamander
Its name comes from the fact that people once believed it was born in fire
The Torkie has a soft silky coat
The Bea-Tzu has a fast-growing coat