Fruit Fly
Fruit flies are among the most common research animals in the world
Fruit flies are among the most common research animals in the world
Will only live in wet areas
The aardwolf has five toes on its front paws
Pack rats love shiny objects and will steal your jewelry.
This species can detach its tail to escape from predators
The river otter can hold its breath for up to 8 minutes
Wild Budgerigars are easily tamed.
Doesn’t have eyes.
They inject hosts with a chemical that stops them from feeling the pain of the bite
A male song thrush can have over 100 phrases in his repertoire of songs and can imitate pet birds, telephones and other man-made objects.
The adult deathwatch beetle taps on the wood to find a mate.
Dives from perches to capture its prey!
Their vision is eight times better than a human's
Its song has been compared to a toy horn.
Goldfish and common carp can mate and produce offspring
Bed bugs feed for 4-12 minutes.
The firefly produces some of the most efficient light in the world
Often hangs upside down while feeding!