Least Concern

Evening Bat

The evening bat is one of the few bats that regularly has twins

Fox Squirrel

Although it is a tree squirrel, it spends most of its time on the ground.


The spinal column of the shrew Scutisorex somereni is so strong and reinforced that it can support the weight of an adult human.

Blood Python

Blood pythons are so called because of the blood red markings on their skin.


The name “Massasauga” comes from the Chippewa language, meaning “Great River Mouth”.

Texas Rat Snake

The Texas rat snake is one of the most common subspecies of the western rat snake in the wild.

Spitting Cobra

Spitting cobras are types of cobras that can spit venom at predators and prey.

Puff Adder

This large snake is so-named because it will puff up its body to appear bigger than it is when directly threatened by a predator or person.

Stiletto Snake

Because of their unique venom delivery system, stiletto snakes are almost impossible to hold safely in the usual way (with fingers behind the head) without being bitten.