Least Concern
Speckled Kingsnake
The Salt and Pepper Snake
False Water Cobra
There are several color morphs, including lavender!
Malayan Krait
It's called the five-step snake because if a person is bitten, they can walk about five steps before dying.
Dumeril’s Boa
Some tribes believe that the snake's skin holds the souls of their ancestors.
Green Snake
There are two types of green snakes: smooth green snakes and rough green snakes
Desert Kingsnake
The desert kingsnake rolls over and plays dead when it feels threatened.
Cuban Boa
One of the only snakes observed using cooperative hunting tactics.
San Francisco Garter Snake
The San Francisco garter snake is among the rarest snake species in the United States.
Night Heron
When they feel threatened juvenile night herons vomit their stomach contents.
Grey Heron
Male grey herons are picky about their mates. They'll reject a female that they don't fancy.
Dwarf Boa
Some species can change color from dark to light, and back again.
Arabian Cobra
The Arabian cobra is the only true cobra species that can be found in the Arabian Peninsula.
Mozambique Spitting Cobra
Mozambique Spitting Cobra is one of Africa's most dangerous snakes.
Several medicines have been created using cobra venom.
The killdeer feigns injury to draw a predator away from its nest.
Hooded Oriole
Hooded orioles have a strong sweet tooth that makes nectar and jelly among its favorite foods.