Crabeater Seal
The crabeater seal doesn’t actually eat crab at all, but instead krill
Tiger Beetle
The adult tiger beetle is one of the fastest land insects in the world
Sea Eagle
The sea eagle tends to mate for life with a single partner
Some gulls are capable of using tools
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs feed for 4-12 minutes.
Dog Tick
Dog ticks feed on dogs and other mammals
Insects go back over 350 million years, making the creatures older than man, flowering plants and dinosaurs.
Brown Dog Tick
Can live its entire life indoors
Newly hatched sauropods weighted less than 11 pounds and put on 2 tons of weight a year!
The Mosasaurus was much longer than the fearsome Tyrannosaur rex.
Clothes Moth
Clothes Moths can remain in the larvae stage for up to 2 years, but adults only live 10 days.
Skuas will chase other birds until they give up their catch