Angled Sunbeam Caterpillar
Create a silk bed that they use to attach themselves to leaves
Asian Water Monitor
The Asian water monitor is the second heaviest lizard in the world!
They roll around in dirt to prevent external parasites
Black Dragon Lizard
Their black color is due to a genetic mutation!
Cervalces latifrons (Broad-Fronted Moose)
Cervalces latifrons are the largest species of deer that ever existed.
Chinese Water Deer
They usually have 2-3 young at a time but can have up to 7!
Clock Spider
Males make a rhythmic thrumming like a clock
Despite being bipedal, Deinocheirus had a large forearm
Dinocrucuta had very strong jaws capable of crushing bones.
Eiders are sexually dimorphic, with males being larger and more colorful.
Emperor Goose
Their calls sound like a nasally “kla-ha, kla-ha, kla-ha.”
Epidexipteryx was one of the smallest non-avian dinosaurs to ever exist.
Eurasian Bullfinch
The shy eurasian bullfinch prefers to forage very close to cover.
Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Females are typically 25% larger than males.
European Goldfinch
They are frequent visitors to backyard feeders, especially those containing niger seeds.
Most of the hundreds of varieties of flycatchers belong to the Tyrannidae and Muscicapidae families!