Geckos can climb up vertical surfaces
River Turtle
Inhabits freshwater habitats around the world!
Sri Lankan Elephant
One of the world's largest and rarest land animals
There are more sparrows in the world than people.
Indian Star Tortoise
Popular in the exotic pet trade!
Ainu dogs are natural hunters and will protect their owners from bears.
Afghan Hound
These dogs were originally bred for hunting purposes. They are one of the oldest dog breeds in the world, though they are now found in several rescue shelters around the world. They are known to be as fast as racehorses. The fur that covers these hounds keeps them very warm, though they can be shaved as well. Afghan Hounds have scent glands that usually produce a musky but not malodorous scent.
Adelie Penguin
Eats up to 2kg of food per day!
Asiatic Black Bear
Known to eat 160 different tree-borne fruits in Thailand!
Can survive without water for 10 months!
Shares 97% of its DNA with humans!
Can travel more than four miles a day!