
Swainson’s Hawk

Their wings form a “V” shape when flying.


They reuse nesting sites for 70 years!

Rove Beetle

When threatened, rove beetles raise the ends of their body like scorpions, but they have no sting.

Welsh Springer Spaniel

Due to being so attached to their owners, the Welsh Springer Spaniel does not do well with being left alone and can experience separation anxiety.

Flour Beetle

Flour beetles are adapted to survive in very dry environments.

Click Beetle

Click beetles are named for the clicking noise they make to escape predators.

Rhino Beetle

Rhinoceros beetles can lift objects 850 times their weight

Brown Headed Cowbird

Males are generally monogamous during mating season and will protect the female from other males. However, females tend to venture from their partners and mate with other males.

Flathead Catfish

The only predators that prey on flathead catfish are members of their own species and humans who catch them for commercial and recreational purposes.

Spider Beetle

Spider beetles have globular bodies, which makes them look like spiders.

Yellow Bellied Sapsucker

The males are responsible for choosing the nesting tree most of the time. Luckily, cavity nests are often reused for multiple breeding seasons (up to 7 years.)

Water Beetle

Water beetles bite; they use their legs to inject venomous digestive saliva

Soldier Beetle

Soldier beetles resemble fireflies, but they're not bioluminescent.

Horned Beetle

These beetles are herbivores but have an intimidating appearance because of the horn-like projection on their heads. However, they are entirely harmless to humans, as they don't sting or bite.

Pine Beetle

Female pine beetles can lay up to 75 eggs at once, and the males will stay with their mates for up to 3 weeks after fertilizing the eggs

Saddleback Caterpillar

Saddleback caterpillars are solitary in nature, unlike many of their cousins that live in pairs or groups. They only intermingle when it's time to mate and lay eggs.