Honey Bee
There are only 8 recognized species!
There are only 8 recognized species!
This animal can roll up into a ball
Sleeps on just one leg!
They have zygodactyl feet, with the first and fourth toes facing backward, the second and third facing forward, so they can grip tree trunks more efficiently
Hummingbird eggs are just half an inch big.
The kingfisher digs burrows into the ground
Geckos can climb up vertical surfaces
Inhabits the jungles of Central and South America!
Inhabits freshwater habitats around the world!
The gar evolved from an ancient lineage of fish!
There are more sparrows in the world than people.
The largest feline on the American continent!
About double the size of a domestic cat!
Has longer back legs than front legs!
Also known as the Painted Leopard!
Has a transparent 3rd eyelid to protect eyes in the water!
Have a heat sensor on the end of their nose!
Migrates up and down the mountains!