
Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a favorite breed of Queen Elizabeth II

Spider Wasp

They prey on spiders to feed their larvae or they parasitize other spider wasps.

Dung Beetle

The dung beetle can push objects many times its own weight

Mole Cricket

Adult Mole crickets may fly as far as 5 miles during mating season and are active most of the year.

Pocket Pitbull

The smaller size of the Pocket Pitbull made it better suited for fleeing game as compared to larger Foxhounds.

Lancashire Heeler

The name “heeler” comes from the fact that it nips at the heels of cattle to herd them.

German Shorthaired Pointer

German Shorthaired Pointers are used by the Air Force, TSA, and other organizations to sniff out explosives.

Hooded Seal

Hooded seal pups are called bluebacks because the color of the fur on their back is blue-gray. This pretty color made people want to make fur coats out of them and made them a target for hunters.


The Weimaraner is nicknamed the gray ghost.


Monk parakeets are the only parakeets that actually build nests. They’re also the only parakeets to nest in great colonies.