
Swedish Lapphund

The Swedish Lapphund is Sweden's national dog!

Welsh Black Cattle

Welsh Black Cattle were once used as currency in Wales and referred to as “black gold”.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is the only breed recognized by the AKC that is named after a literary character.

Horse Mackerel

Got their name from a myth that other fish would ride them over great distances

Shetland Sheepdog

Shetland Sheepdogs are one of the most successful breeds at obedience trials.

Pharaoh Hound

The Pharaoh Hound can smile and it blushes when it's excited!

Grass Spider

Their fangs aren't big enough to penetrate human skin.

Marsican Brown Bear

They do not fall completely asleep during hibernation but wake up from time to time during the winter to walk around.

Bracco Italiano

The Bracco Italiano is considered the oldest European pointer. It was a popular hunting dog during the Renaissance, being bred by both the Medici and Gonzaga families.

Portuguese Podengo

The Portuguese Podengo Pequeno is considered to be quite possibly the world’s smallest hunting dog.

Bark Beetle

Not all bark beetles feed on a tree's bark. Some species feed on fruits, seeds, and other parts of the plant


They line their nests with their feathers