They build their nests off the ground in tree holes, cavities, stone walls, and roofs
Warblers are so called because of the trills of their song.
Water Beetle
Water beetles bite; they use their legs to inject venomous digestive saliva
Old House Borer
Depending on the habitat and climate, these beetles can live between 2 to 10 years, often staying in their larval stage for several years, making them extremely dangerous to wooden structures.
Soldier Beetle
Soldier beetles resemble fireflies, but they're not bioluminescent.
White-shouldered House Moth
The larva is the pest because a fully-grown white-shouldered house moth cannot feed; it can only absorb liquid
Red-Bellied Woodpecker
Red-Bellied Woodpeckers will often steal the nests of other birds.
Horned Beetle
These beetles are herbivores but have an intimidating appearance because of the horn-like projection on their heads. However, they are entirely harmless to humans, as they don't sting or bite.
The Pelagornis is larger than the largest living bird today.
These larvae are native to Central and South America but now occur on every continent except Antarctica
Powderpost Beetle
Powderpost beetles prefer living in moist tree limbs, dead wood, and branches. They get into homes through infested joists, paneling, rafters, flooring, and finished wood products.
American Eel
Don't eat raw eel! Their blood is poisonous to humans when consumed raw.
Phoenix Chicken
These small chickens have tails that can be up to five feet long!
Armenian Gampr
Old school owners brush their coats with a rake once or twice a week, preventing major matting.
Darkling Beetle
Darkling Beetles have segmented antennae. Each one is divided into eleven segments.