French Guiana
Gypsy Moth
One of the most invasive species in the world
IMG Boa Constrictor
The first IMG boa was born in a litter of anerythristic boas.
Skeleton Tarantula
Not only are the spooky looking, they get spooked easily!
Whitetail Deer
White-tail deer are good swimmers
Upland Sandpiper
They make jerky movements as they walk through the grass, searching for food.
Brazilian Treehopper
They feed on tree sap!
Tufted Coquette
They are tame and easy to approach
Blue Tanager (Blue-Grey Tanager)
They travel and forage in pairs or groups
Eastern Meadowlark
They can live up to 9 years.
Wattled Jacana
They are typically noisy birds but take on a soft tone with their young.
Amazonian Royal Flycatcher
They use their bright royal-looking crests during mating season
Electric Eel
Despite its powerful shock, electric eels have terrible vision.
There are around 7,000 different species!
There are around 2,000 known species!
The falcon is faster than any other animal on earth, both on land and in the air
Sporting a black mask and ringed tail, the raccoon is among the most common mammals in North America