They can run as fast as 45 mph.
The owl can rotate its head some 270 degrees
Smokybrown Cockroach
Has up to 45 eggs per egg case
Ruddy Turnstone
They flip over stones to find prey
Hawaiian Goose
They have the longest breeding season of any goose.
Leatherback Sea Turtle
They are the largest living turtle and the only sea turtle without a hard shell!
Mahi Mahi (Dolphin Fish)
It's called the rabbit of the ocean because it multiplies so quickly.
Masked Angelfish
All masked angelfish are female until sometime after sexual maturity, at which point some become male.
Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake
Sea snakes spend approximately 90% of their lives under water.
Cactus Moth
Cactus moths can cause serious damage to cacti in locations where they have no predators.
Black Witch Moth
Some folklore associate Black Witch Moths with bad luck (and even death!), while other associates them with good fortune.
Galapagos Shark
Galapagos sharks are cannibalistic and sometimes eat their young, so the pups stay away from the adults in shallow water.
Diamondback Moth
Adult males make high amplitude boing noise to attract females
Oleander Hawk Moth
Oleander hawk moth caterpillars feed on the foliage of oleander, an extremely toxic plant to which they are immune.
Dragon Eel
Dragon eels have double jaws and two sets of razor-sharp teeth