Brazilian Treehopper
They feed on tree sap!
Northern Parula
They live in coffee and citrus plantations during the winter
Northern Harrier
They can reach speeds of 25 Mph but prefer to soar low and slow.
Cedar Waxwing
Their feathers have red, waxy tips that can be hard to identify unless you’re up close.
Gray Catbird
Their songs have cat-like qualities and can mimic other birds and animals, like tree frogs.
They reuse nesting sites for 70 years!
Yellow Bellied Sapsucker
The males are responsible for choosing the nesting tree most of the time. Luckily, cavity nests are often reused for multiple breeding seasons (up to 7 years.)
American Eel
Don't eat raw eel! Their blood is poisonous to humans when consumed raw.
There are around 7,000 different species!
There are around 2,000 known species!
Honey Bee
There are only 8 recognized species!
This animal can roll up into a ball
Sleeps on just one leg!
They have zygodactyl feet, with the first and fourth toes facing backward, the second and third facing forward, so they can grip tree trunks more efficiently
Hummingbird eggs are just half an inch big.