
Camel Spider

Known to follow in a human's shadow to stay warm!

Monarch Butterfly

During migration, Monarch Butterflies may travel 250 or more miles each day.


The muskrat can stay underwater up to 17 minutes at a time

Red Finch

Red finches can form flocks of over 100 birds.


The bowfin is a primitive fish that first evolved in the Jurassic


Eels can be a mere few inches long to 13 feet!


Able to run as quickly backwards as forwards!

House Finch

The house finch can become redder depending on what it eats


They can find their way back to their nests from up to 1300 miles away.

Mourning Dove

It is almost always the male who makes the famous sad sound, which is a wooing call

Alligator Gar

The alligator gar has toxic eggs to protect against predators

Spotted Gar

They are commonly mistaken as logs in the water due to their cylindrical body.


The kinkajou is a nimble forest-dwelling mammal of Central and South America.


Each locust can eat its weight in plants each day.