New Zealand

Sable Ferret

Ferrets were used during the Revolutionary War to keep down the rat population.


Male sambars will compete for mates by clashing together with their antlers

Dog Tick

Dog ticks feed on dogs and other mammals


The owl can rotate its head some 270 degrees

House Sparrow

The house sparrow has been introduced all over the world


Both male and female dunnocks can have multiple mates every breeding season

Hawk Moth Caterpillar

Many hawk moth caterpillars eat toxins from plants, but don’t sequester them the way milkweed butterflies do. Most toxins are excreted.

Codling Moth

Pupae are able to undergo diapause to survive poor fruit yield years and winter.

Apple Moth

In Australia the LBAM causes $21.1 million annually in lost production and control costs

Galapagos Shark

Galapagos sharks are cannibalistic and sometimes eat their young, so the pups stay away from the adults in shallow water.