There are several names for this breed, including the Labrabull or the Pitador Retriever.
Huskadors are gaining in popularity as service dogs.
The Spanador is a good swimmer.
German Sheprador
There is a chance that the German Sheprador may inherit a love for water from its parent.
The parental stock Labrador Retriever was nearly wiped out by home country tax policies but the breed found rescue and recovery in foreign lands, particularly in Great Britain.
Norwich Terrier
Though Norwich terriers are small, they have a reputation for being feisty.
American Hairless Terrier
The American hairless terrier comes in two varieties with one having a very short coat.
Boglen Terrier
Boglen terriers are also occasionally known as boggles.
Terriers were once the greatest dogs in the world.
Toy Fox Terrier
Hunters still use the toy fox to go into a fox's den and flush the animal out.
Muskox have several physical characteristics that allow them to survive in the Arctic climate.
This dog is also known as a Bassetdor or a Basset Lab.
Most popular as a companion pet
Beagadors like to dig, so make sure your garden has a good fence around it.
Taco Terrier
Taco terriers are known by a variety of names, including the Chitoxy Toy and the Chiwoxy.
The Cavador is a good service dog.
Boradors make excellent police dogs and are used often on search and rescue missions.