Piebald Dachshund
Hotdogs were originally called "Dachshund sausages" because they resembled the dachshund's wiener-like body!
Pliosaurs were the short-necked version of plesiosaurs.
Purple Gallinule
They build their nests on the water, anchoring it to nearby aquatic vegetation.
Red Aphids
Aphids are called ant cows because ants herd and "milk" them to secrete a substance called honeydew!
Roadrunners are one of the few animals that prey on rattlesnakes and tarantula hawk wasps.
Saturniidae Moth
Some of the largest moths in the world
Senepol Cattle
Senepol cattle have a distinctive red color and no horns.
Although Seymouria had so many reptilian features, it was an amphibian
Despite the massive size of the Shastasaurus, it only ate soft-bodied prey.
The biggest species in the Smilosuchus genus, S. gregorii, was the largest known reptile of its time, reaching a length of up to 39 feet.
Spongy Moth
The female Spongy Moth can lay between 600 to 1,000 eggs
swallows have aerodynamic bodies for hunting in flight
Swedish Elkhound
Swedish Elkhounds existed in prehistoric times!
Texas Brown Tarantula
You may see a mass migration of tarantulas in late summer or fall.
Trapdoor spider
Ambush their prey using a trapdoor made of silk