Northwest Pacific
Blue Shark
Blue sharks can have up to 135 pups at a time.
Sand Tiger Shark
The sand tiger is the shark most commonly seen in aquariums.
Sleeper Shark
The Greenland shark is one of the longest living vertebrates in the world.
Spinner Shark
Can have up to 20 babies
Garden Eel
Garden eel colonies are made up of hundreds to thousands of individuals.
Sixgill shark
The sixgill shark has six pairs of gills instead of the normal five
Yeti Crab
The yeti crab has hairy arms, which collect bacteria to feed on
Rock Crab
Males will fight each other to get to females.
Megamouth Shark
Swims with its mouth open to capture prey
Crappie Fish
The crappie is one of the most popular freshwater fish in North America.
Ghost Crab
Their eyestalks, which are sometimes horned, can swivel 360 degrees
The anglerfish has a glowing lure on its head to attract unsuspecting prey
Sei Whale
This whale is one of the fastest of the cetaceans
Northern Fur Seal
Dense underfur means they don’t need blubber to stay warm
Blue-Ringed Octopus
The blue-ringed octopus produces some of the deadliest poison in the world
Baleen Whale
“Sings” a whale song during breeding season.
Some species of aquatic turtles can get up to 70 percent of their oxygen through their butt.