Northwest Pacific
Humboldt Squid
The Humboldt squid can change colors to communicate
Man of War Jellyfish
Named for an 18th century warship
Sea Anemone
Creatures have characteristics of both animal and plant
Reef Shark
Grey reef sharks can give birth without males
Lion’s Mane Jellyfish
Though it’s a huge animal, the lifespan of the lion’s mane jellyfish is only a year.
Hardhead Catfish
The hardhead catfish has a sharp spine near its fin to inject venom
Sea Eagle
The sea eagle tends to mate for life with a single partner
Some gulls are capable of using tools
Blanket Octopus
Females can weigh up to 40,000 times more than their partners.
Telescope Fish
Swallows food, much of it larger than them, whole
They get toxins from their prey to use it against predators.
Can release a toxin from its skin
Many grouper can change their sex, and it is always from female to male.
Keta Salmon
During spawning the look of the male changes. Among other things, he grows a beak called a kype that bears fangs.
The parrotfish can change from female to male at some point in its life.
Moon Jellyfish
Moon Jellies are bioluminescent, so they glow in the dark! They can also de-age!
Viper Shark (dogfish)
Most data on these fish is based on observations near Japan.