Viper Shark (dogfish)
Most data on these fish is based on observations near Japan.
Cobia Fish
It has teeth not only in its jaws but in its tongue and the roof of its mouth
The word "halibut" is comes from haly meaning "holy" and butte meaning flat fish due to its popularity on Catholic holy days.
Snow Crab
Snow crabs communicate with each other by waving or drumming their pincers.
Football Fish
The football fish is named after its unusual round or oblong shape
The male pipefish has the ability to carry fertilized eggs with him
The lumpfish have sticky suction cups on their fins
The goshawk is a popular choice among European falconers
Mahi Mahi (Dolphin Fish)
It's called the rabbit of the ocean because it multiplies so quickly.
Banana Eel
Named for the yellow body and brown spots that make it look like a banana.
Stargazer Fish
Uses an electric shock to stun its prey!
Sockeye Salmon
Called "red salmon" because their skin turns bright red to dirty red during spawning season
Conger Eel
The European Conger ( Conger conger) can weigh as much as an adult human!
Mola mola (Ocean Sunfish)
The ocean sunfish is the biggest bony fish in the world
Chinook Salmon
The Chinook salmon undertakes a long migration for the spawning season
The mojarra's protruding mouth allows it to sift along the seabed for food
Paracanthurus hepatus, the palette surgeonfish or bluetang, is the only member of its genus