Opah are brightly colored, with red-orange fins and a silvery body.
Strawberry Hermit Crab
When strawberry hermit crabs find shells that are larger than their own, they gather in a line from biggest to smallest. Once the biggest one sheds its shell, the next one in line will claim it, which is repeated down the line.
Dragon Eel
Dragon eels have double jaws and two sets of razor-sharp teeth
Vampire Crab
Vampire crabs do not depend on saltwater for their development; instead, they live near freshwater rivers and in forests amongst rocks and dense vegetation.
Sea Snake
The sea snake is incredibly venomous, even more than a cobra!”
John Dory
The John Dory is often labeled one of the ugliest fish in the world and has no known relatives.
There are 40 species of Triggerfish, all with different coloring and patterns.
Mullet Fish
he Striped Mullet is one of the best-known and most easily identified species, with black horizontal stripes along its body.
Sand Dollar
Sand Dollar skeletons make popular collection items for seashell collectors.