

Corella birds are noisy, especially during the early morning or late evening.


Nuthatches spend a lot of their time upside down.


These adorable dogs are known for their love of children, strangers, and other animals because of their docile demeanor.

Brown Tree Snake

Because the brown tree snake's fangs are located in the back of their mouths, they can rarely bite humans and inject venom unless the snake is very large in size.

Tasmanian Tiger Snake

The Tasmanian tiger shark gets its name from their banded skin, closely resembling a tiger's stripes.


The dobsonfly spends up three years as a larva, and only a week as an adult.

Sarus Crane

Parents use low calls to tell their chicks to freeze and lie still when danger lurks.

King Quail

Females look similar to males but don’t come in shades of blue


They reuse nesting sites for 70 years!

Rove Beetle

When threatened, rove beetles raise the ends of their body like scorpions, but they have no sting.

Welsh Springer Spaniel

Due to being so attached to their owners, the Welsh Springer Spaniel does not do well with being left alone and can experience separation anxiety.

Flour Beetle

Flour beetles are adapted to survive in very dry environments.

Click Beetle

Click beetles are named for the clicking noise they make to escape predators.

Rhino Beetle

Rhinoceros beetles can lift objects 850 times their weight

Spider Beetle

Spider beetles have globular bodies, which makes them look like spiders.