

Leptocephali have flat bodies filled with jelly-like substances, surrounded by a thin layer of muscle.

Yokohama chicken

Yokohama chickens have snow white feathers with tails reaching up to 4 feet in length.


Warblers are so called because of the trills of their song.

Water Beetle

Water beetles bite; they use their legs to inject venomous digestive saliva

Soldier Beetle

Soldier beetles resemble fireflies, but they're not bioluminescent.

Horned Beetle

These beetles are herbivores but have an intimidating appearance because of the horn-like projection on their heads. However, they are entirely harmless to humans, as they don't sting or bite.


These larvae are native to Central and South America but now occur on every continent except Antarctica

Powderpost Beetle

Powderpost beetles prefer living in moist tree limbs, dead wood, and branches. They get into homes through infested joists, paneling, rafters, flooring, and finished wood products.

Labout’s Fairy Wrasse

Females are sequential hermaphrodites, which means they can convert to males anytime during their life cycle.

Holy Cross Frog

The holy cross frog has a cross-shaped colored pattern on its back.

Darkling Beetle

Darkling Beetles have segmented antennae. Each one is divided into eleven segments.

Mealworm Beetle

In 1968, the mealworm beetle traveled to space and circled the moon on the Soviet mission Zond 5.

Oranda Goldfish

Oranda goldfish are one of the most popular fancy goldfish breeds

Robber Flies

The female pretend they are dead if they do not find the male worthy of mating.