Papua New Guinea
Brazilian Treehopper
They feed on tree sap!
Corella birds are noisy, especially during the early morning or late evening.
Comb-crested Jacana
They are busy foragers, always on the move
Brown Tree Snake
Because the brown tree snake's fangs are located in the back of their mouths, they can rarely bite humans and inject venom unless the snake is very large in size.
King Quail
Females look similar to males but don’t come in shades of blue
There are around 7,000 different species!
There are around 2,000 known species!
The falcon is faster than any other animal on earth, both on land and in the air
Monitor Lizard
Some species are thought to carry a weak venom!
Sheep were one of the first and most successful domesticated species in the world.
The robin can migrate up to 3,000 miles to its wintering grounds
Honey Bee
There are only 8 recognized species!
This animal can roll up into a ball
Geckos can climb up vertical surfaces