Honey Bee
There are only 8 recognized species!
This animal can roll up into a ball
They have zygodactyl feet, with the first and fourth toes facing backward, the second and third facing forward, so they can grip tree trunks more efficiently
The kingfisher digs burrows into the ground
River Turtle
Inhabits freshwater habitats around the world!
There are more sparrows in the world than people.
Adelie Penguin
Eats up to 2kg of food per day!
Asiatic Black Bear
Known to eat 160 different tree-borne fruits in Thailand!
Polar Bear
Could be extinct within the next 30 years!
The smallest carnivorous mammal in the world!
Can remain in the water for up to 2 minutes!
White Tiger
None have been seen in the wild for 50 years!
Golden Oriole
Migrates between Europe and Asia!
Wild Boar
Males have a top tusk to sharpen the bottom one!
First domesticated more than 10,000 years ago!