South Korea
Eurasian Bullfinch
The shy eurasian bullfinch prefers to forage very close to cover.
European Goldfinch
They are frequent visitors to backyard feeders, especially those containing niger seeds.
Gypsy Moth
One of the most invasive species in the world
Rough-Legged Hawk (Rough-Legged Buzzard)
Its scientific name, lagopus, is Ancient Greek for “hare” and “foot,” referring to its feathered feet and toes.
Korean Jindo
At the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Jindos marched in the opening ceremonies.
Brazilian Treehopper
They feed on tree sap!
They line their nests with their feathers
Herring Gull
They are loud, spirited birds with raucous cries that sound like bursts of laughter.
Short-Eared Owl
The short-eared owl is one of the most widespread owl species in the world, covering five continents.
They reuse nesting sites for 70 years!
They feign death by making their bodies limp and closing their eyes.
There are around 7,000 different species!
Most closely related to the Sheep!
The male nightingale has one of the most complex and sophisticated verbal sounds in the entire animal kingdom
There are around 2,000 known species!