
Skink Lizard

Some skinks lay eggs in some habitats while giving birth to skinklets in other habitats.

Common Raven

A group of ravens is called an unkindness or a conspiracy.


The American robin is called the robin because its red breast reminded European settlers of the robin back in the old country.

Huntsman Spider

Some huntsman spiders have an interesting way of moving around. Some cartwheel while others do handsprings or backflips.


The capybara, the world’s largest rodent, likes to be in and around bodies of water. Because of this, the Catholic Church in South America decided that it was a fish, and people were allowed to eat it during Lent and First Fridays.

Tiger Moth

The bright colors of this moth are a signal to predators that it has a terrible taste.

Spanish Mastiff

Diego Velázquez’s famous 17th century painting of the Infanta and her dwarves includes a portrait of a Spanish Mastiff.

Carpenter Ant

Carpenter ants can lift up to seven times their own weight with their teeth!

Spider Wasp

They prey on spiders to feed their larvae or they parasitize other spider wasps.

Dung Beetle

The dung beetle can push objects many times its own weight

Mole Cricket

Adult Mole crickets may fly as far as 5 miles during mating season and are active most of the year.


Monk parakeets are the only parakeets that actually build nests. They’re also the only parakeets to nest in great colonies.


The Genet has retractable claws like a cat

Pine Marten

A pine marten can jump from tree to tree similar to a squirrel.

Roe Deer

The roe is one of the most popular game animals in Europe


They are so named because they "march" in armies of worms from one crop to another in search of food