Some species of aquatic turtles can get up to 70 percent of their oxygen through their butt.
Some species of aquatic turtles can get up to 70 percent of their oxygen through their butt.
This breed is called the Gos d’Atura Catala in native Catalan and Pastor Catalan in Spanish, both of which roughly translate to mean Catalan Sheepdog
House spiders have the ability to eat most insects in a home.
They glide around on one foot, which is aided by the slime they produce
The breed has feet like a cat, with rounded toes that are not too close together. His unique feet give him a distinctive, long, elastic stride.
Originally called the Toy Spaniel, the Papillon is one of the oldest breeds in the toy group. They can be found in artwork dating back to the 16th century.
False spiders actually prey on black widow spiders and other hazardous spiders
A female zebra mussel can deposit 30,000 to 1,000,000 eggs each year!
Females are about four times the size of males
The Cockalier has very strong hunting ancestry.
Despite its name, actually originated from Africa and the Middle East
They have a symbiotic relationship with ants.
The adult tiger beetle is one of the fastest land insects in the world
Unlike most spiders, woodlouse spiders don’t build a web.
They are hermaphrodites, which means they have male and female organs
The jackdaw tends to mate for life with a single partner
The sea eagle tends to mate for life with a single partner
They can’t sing like other birds.