Goliath Frog
Does not have a vocal sac.
Glass Frog
You can see their internal organs.
Green Frog
Green frogs will eat any animal that they can fit in their mouth.
Leopard Frog
They can jump up to three feet
African Bullfrog
The African bullfrog is one of only three species of frog that have “teeth.”
Desert Rain Frog
The desert rain frog doesn't hop
Gray Tree Frog
Survives freezing temperatures by producing glycerol and maintaining slower metabolic processes
Green Tree Frog
Green tree frogs breathe through their skin
Wood Frog
The wood frog lives the furthest north of any other North American amphibian including in the Arctic Circle.
Fire salamander
Its name comes from the fact that people once believed it was born in fire
American Toad
They secrete a milky poisonous liquid that can make many animals sick.
Mudpuppies never leave their larval stage. This is called neoteny.