French Bulldog
These dogs are very talkative. They use a variety of sounds to “talk” to their owners
Field Spaniel
While originally bred for hunting, Field Spaniels are more commonly used as a family dog or a show dog.
Finnish Spitz
Likes to bark a lot!
Flat-Coated Retriever
Flat-Coated Retrievers are one of the oldest retriever breeds; they were bred beginning in the 19th century.
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
They are closely related to the Bernese Mountain Dog.
Greenland Dog
The Greenland Dog can live in temperatures as cold as -35 to -75 degrees Fahrenheit.
Havanese dogs are known to be overly attached to their owner families, often bonding with young children and older adults alike
Harriers used to be called hare hounds as they were originally bred to hunt hares.
Ibizan Hound
The first two Ibizan Hounds brought to the United States were Colonel and Mrs. Consuelo Seoane.